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RasterPrint Preflight Check List

RasterPrint™ is a four-color, dye-sublimation process to print full color images on fabric permanently.

Each order must be accompanied by the RasterPrint™ Artwork Submittal Form. Once we have determined that your artwork is useable for this process and have received a complete purchase order and Artwork Submittal Form from you, we will enter the order into our system. At this time a ship date will be assigned to you, which will be approximately 3 weeks from the date the order is entered. Within 1-2 days you will receive a layout via fax. Please proof this layout well, and fax it back to us within 24 hours to keep your assigned ship date. Once you sign the layout and fax it to us, your order is in production. We will not begin your order until the layout is approved.

Information on RasterPrint™

  1. Images can only be printed on white fabric.
  2. Due to the nature of dye-sublimation printing we cannot guarantee perfect color matches. Colors will be matched to PMS or a printout as closely as possible.
  3. Maximum width of each single piece is 52". Larger images will contain seams.

Art required for RasterPrint™

Images must be production ready. This means that we do not have to make any changes or additions. This includes even small changes such as typesetting, or putting files together. If changes need to be made, the charge will be $75.00 per hour with a one hour minimum. So read the following carefully!

Acceptable files:

Native (created in) Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia FreeHand, Adobe Illustrator, and QuarkXPress. We work on a Macintosh platform. Please indicate the version number that you are sending. (Example: Photoshop 5.0) We can accept files from PC's but cannot guarantee that they will convert correctly to our platform.

Type of disks:

100 mb Zip disk, CD-Rom, 3.5" floppy

Minimum Resolution:

50 ppi (pixels per inch) at the final size. This is the optical ppi not interpolated. (Example: a 4"x5" image should be at least 1200 ppi in order to achieve 50 ppi at 8'x10'.) If you are sending a vector based image, resolution is not a factor. Resolution is very important and is the number one reason that artwork is not acceptable. Please contact us if this information is not clear.

Color Info: We need a color reference since all printers, monitors and scanners see color differently. For spot color provide us with PMS color matches, or a corrected color output. We will also need the original photo, slide or transparency that was used to scan.

Text & Graphics:

When combining text and/or vector art with bitmap images, import or place (do not embed) the bitmap (i.e. from Photoshop) into Illustrator, FreeHand or Quark. Do not typeset in Photoshop or import text or vector graphics into Photoshop, as resolution will suffer when the image is enlarged. Turn all text to outlines. (In FreeHand, convert to paths, in Illustrator, create outlines.) QuarkX-Press does not have this option, so you will need to provide all fonts to us. Text is the number two reason that artwork is unacceptable. Please call us if this information is not absolutely clear.

Images that we need to scan:

We can scan a photo or transparency, for a charge of $30.00 per scan. Realize that your final image will only be as good as the original that you provide us. Therefore, try to find the first generation photo, slide or transparency. If an image does not look clean at 4"x5", just image how clarity will suffer when it is enlarged to 8'x10'!

If you want to e-mail your artwork:

E-mail them to us at sales@displaysforsale.com.

  1. E-mail vector based files only. Do not e-mail Photoshop or other bitmapped files, as they are too large. Send these files via mail.
  2. Fax a completed RasterPrint™ Artwork Submittal Form to (716) 332-1128. 3.
  3. You must include your name, the name of the person to whom you are sending art (the same person that will receive your P.O.) and the type of file that you are sending. It is imperative that this information is included or your order will be delayed. We receive dozens of files per day so each file must be labeled.
  4. It is a good idea to compress your file before sending it. We have received files that have been damaged as they came to us, and compressing seems to help prevent this. So no matter the size, compress it if you can using "Stuff-It" or "Zip".

We have tried to explain what we need as clearly as possible, but not everyone will understand our lingo , so please don't hesitate to call us!

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